Thursday, December 25, 2008

Do you remember Force Vomit ??

Do you remember this surf-punk band? Yeahh... they were the pioneers in this region. I remember ordering stuffs from them during my u-student days...the "laa...only 5 bucks in my wallet days".. thankfully that the guys don't rip me off .. that days we just slip in 5 bucks in a brown envelope & stick a note such as "pls don't rip-me-off or i'll publish it in my locally well known fanzine.. harhar" & post them to the bands which just release their demos..those were the days. Just stumble upon these blokes again during my mid-day surfing at the office.. their sound still fresh & catchy.. got a few sample mp3s offered on the site..some more.. perghh ...just what i need. A substitute for the 1st Demo/cassete tape that Ruam lost few years back... my Buddy Holly Compilation Vol. 2..

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Hi! really appreciate your thoughts..